1. Save your article first as a "DRAFT" and tell me if you finished so I can review it~ to check grammar, spelling and content.
2. Add the SECTION in the labels as well as THE ARTISTS OR SHOW//DRAMA IT BELONGS TO and also add ALBUM REVIEW if you are doing one. Note that only the ones in Album review can post album reviews because there are specific instructions on how to post for Album Review
3. Make sure it is INTERESTING and it make it COLORFUL maximize the options on blogger like add color and pictures
4. Make it SHORT and direct to the point. If you're doing a long article make sure it is INTERESTING ENOUGH and also ADD YOUR OPINION AND THOUGHTS on your posts not just a plane synopsis.
5. If you have any info or quoted pieces in your article PLEASE ADD CREDITS at the end of your article and and direct link if possible
6. ADD IN YOUR OWN FLAVOR, as an author add in something that is YOU, add jokes or a question or whatever
7. MAXIMUM WIDTH for images and video's is 480 so make sure you edit it or something so it wont be over lapping and stuff