Monday, May 17, 2010

Let's Learn Korean!: Lesson 2 Part 2

Did you memorized the words from the last lesson? Korean is greatly complicated because there's too many Korean words in just 1 English word.

Now I will introduce you to some new words that you can use in your daily life.

Days of the week. We have 7 days in a week that go through Monday to Sunday. Well let's get into the topic here.

note: 요일 (yoil) [yo-il] means "day"

Ready?? Here we go!!!

Monday- 월요일 (weolyoil) [wo-yo-eel]
Tuesday- 화요일 (hwayoil) [hwa-yo-eel]
Wednesday- 수요일 (suyoil) [sue-yo-eel]
Thursday- 목요일 (mokyoil) [mok-yo-eel]
Friday- 금요일 (keumyoil) [kum-yo-eel]
Saturday- 토요일 (Ttoyoil) [toh-yo-eel]
Sunday- 일요일 (ilyoil) [eel-yo-eel]

Now that we know the days of the week. We will move on to another group of words. This one will be Months of the year.

note: you will notice that in the end of every word below; there will be 월 (weol) [wol] that means month.

Later in lesson 3, you will learn how to count in Korean. After you memorize the words below, you will realized that you are just counting and just adding the 월 (weol) [wol] in the end. That will be the easy way to memorize the months of the year and counting at the same time.

I decided to put the counting lesson in lesson 3 because its gonna be easy for lesson 4. Does this make sense?? hehe

ready?? let's go!!

January- 일월/1월 (ilweol) [eel-wol]
February- 월/2월 (eeweol) [ee-wol]
March- 월/3월 (samweol) [sam-wol]
April- 월/4월 (saweol) [sa-wol]
May- 월/5월 (oweol) [oh-wol]
June- 월/6월 (yeoweol) [yo-wol]
July- 월/7월 (chilweol) [chil'-wol]
August- 월/8월 (palweol) [pal'-wol]
September- 월/9월 (kuweol) [ku-wol]
October- 월/10월 (sipweol) [ship-wol]
November- 십일월/11월 (sipilweol) [ship-eel-wol]
December- 십이월/12월 (sipeeweol) [ship-ee-wol]

Your mind must have been hurting right now from memorizing. I know there's too much words above; but that is like ABC and 123... Now here's the last topic in this lesson.

Who likes Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn??
What is your favorite season of the year??

You have to answer me or yourself in Korean. Well here's the hint!!!

are you ready?? let's go!!

Winter- 겨울 (gyeoul) [gyo-ool]
Spring- 봄 (bom) [bom]
Summer- 여름 (yeoreum) [yo-room]
Autumn- 가을 (kaeul) [ka-ool]

Can you now answer the question above?? if yes, you now know the 4 seasons of the year.

Did you guys have fun learning?? Lesson 3 will be up sometime tomorrow or the day after that.

If you have any questions you can contact me through

or Twitter: @chrizzycrazy

note on facebook:

make sure you are adding the name above NOT the Chrizel Alvarez one.

Thanks and Enjoy

memorized those words and be ready for more in the next lesson!!